Monday, February 2, 2009

Chapter 3 - Extra Readings

Bob Sutton's Blog - MindSet & Can Personality Be Changed?

Dweck research on learning and intelligence states that if you can convince an individual to believe that intelligence is malleable, that they will learn faster, easier, and continue getting smarter as it relates to IQ. I would think that a persons personality would have to be modified as well, if for instance they had characteristics that caused barriers to them believing that intelligence is malleable, how would you convince them that they can increase their IQ. I believe that both intelligence and personalities are malleable, but I think its not as easy as just deciding on day that you can believe in malleable intelligence or personalities. People have different levels of adaptive functioning, from high to low abilities, or fast to slow adaptive personalities. Dweek's paper states that "modest interventions have brought about important real-world changes." I believe we can modify personalities by changing social perceptions. Identifying barriers to social perception and understanding the characteristics of the situation are key to convincing an individual to believe in malleable intelligence and personality.

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